Fitinfusions Relax Ingredients

Fitinfusions Relax Blend Ingredients


 Polyphenols: Rooibos contains polyphenols that have anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antimutagenic qualities.

No Caffeine: Rooibos tea is completely caffeine-free, therefore it is recommended by doctors for patients suffering from insomnia. It is often recommended to sleep better before going to bed.

Bone Health: Rooibos tea is rich in calcium, manganese and fluoride minerals that assist in maintaining good bone structure and stronger teeth.

Cardiovascular Health: Quercetin, another powerful antioxidant found in rooibos tea, has been linked to preventing a wide variety of heart conditions.

Good for Skin: The alpha hydroxy acid and zinc content of red tea are very good for the skin.


Chamomile, meaning ‘ground apple,’ has been used as a traditional medicine for thousands of years to calm anxiety and settle stomachs.

Calms Muscle Spasms: drinking chamomile tea raised urine levels of glycine, a compound that calms muscle spasms.

Soothes Stomach Ache: Further adding onto chamomile benefits, the herb is a wonderful for soothing an upset stomach.

Promotes Sleep: Drinking chamomile tea soothes the nervous system so that you can sleep better. It has been used as a solution for insomnia for centuries.

Promotes Healthy Skin: With its anti-inflammatory and anti-septic properties, chamomile helps in clearing up skin irritations such as eczema, acne, and allergies.

Valerian Root


Valerian is well known for its sedative qualities and its ability to relax the central nervous system and the smooth muscle groups. It has been used as a sleeping aid for hundreds of years especially when there is excitation or difficulty in falling to sleep due to nervousness. Over 120 chemical components are found in valerian and although a very complex herb, it has not been found to have any negative side effects with moderate use.

It is calming without providing too much of a sedative an effect and it is non-addictive. It is a valuable treatment for insomnia, the sedative effect due to the valepotriates and the isovaleric acid.

At least two double-blind studies have demonstrated that valerian extract can significantly reduce the amount of time it takes people to fall asleep without changing the normal stages of sleep.

Documented research has noted a mild hypnotic action in both normal sleepers and insomniacs, indicated by a beneficial effect on sleep latency, wake-time after sleep, frequency of waking, nocturnal motor activity, inner restlessness and tension and quality of sleep. Sleepiness and dream recall the morning after were unaffected. The valepotriates have a regulatory effect on the autonomic nervous system; research suggests that they have a calming effect on agitated people but are also a stimulant in cases of fatigue.



Soothe Your Tummy with Peppermint

In the world of health research, randomized controlled trials have repeatedly shown the ability of peppermint oil to relieve symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, including indigestion, dyspepsia, and colonic muscle spasms. These healing properties of peppermint are apparently related to its smooth muscle relaxing ability. Once the smooth muscles surrounding the intestine are relaxed, there is less chance of spasm and the indigestion that can accompany it. The menthol contained in peppermint may be a key reason for this bowel-comforting effect.

A Potential Anti-Cancer Agent

Interest in peppermint has extended well beyond the digestive tract, however. Perillyl alcohol is a phytonutrient called a monoterpene, and it is plentiful in peppermint oil. In animal studies, this phytonutrient has been shown to stop the growth of pancreatic, mammary, and liver tumors. It has also been shown to protect against cancer formation in the colon, skin, and lungs. These animal-based studies have yet to be matched by equally sound human studies, however.

An Anti-Microbial Oil

Esssential oil of peppermint also stops the growth of many different bacteria. These bacteria include Helicobacter pylori, Salmonella enteritidis, Escherichia coli O157:H7, and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). It has also be found to inhibit the growth of certain types of fungus as well.

Breathe Easier with Peppermint

Peppermint contains the substance rosmarinic acid, which has several actions that are beneficial in asthma. In addition to its antioxidant abilities to neutralize free radicals, rosmarinic acid has been shown to block the production of pro-inflammatory chemicals, such as leukotrienes. It also encourages cells to make substances called prostacyclins that keep the airways open for easy breathing. Extracts of peppermint have also been shown to help relieve the nasal symptoms of allergic rhinitis (colds related to allergy).

A Rich Source of Traditional Nutrients

Our food ranking system also showed peppermint to deliver a wide range of traditional nutrients. Peppermint is a good source of manganese, copper, and vitamin C. Vitamin C seems to play a role in decreasing colorectal cancer risk. It is the main water-soluble antioxidant in the body is needed to decrease levels of free radicals that can cause damage to cells. Some studies have shown a link between increased vitamin C intake and a decreased risk for colon cancer, possibly by as much as 40%, while other studies have shown that vitamin C intake can help to decrease the incidence of colon tumors.

White Chocolate

White chocolate is mainly used in Fitinfusions Relax in small quantities as a flavoring agent.

The potential benefits of eating chocolate may include:
Lowering cholesterol levels
Preventing cognitive decline
Reducing the risk of cardiovascular problems.